Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Final Essay.


English is becoming more and more necessary. In Mexico, there are many English schools and almost all high school students take English classes. However many people from Mexico are studying English in America because it is the best way to learn the language. Studying English in America has many advantages such as correct English, Culture and opportunities.
First, correct English has different kinds of abilities to speaking, for example: Pronunciation. Speaking English in America is the best way to practice the language; you do it with teachers, classmates, and ordinary people in the street or places you go. Idioms can help you to understand different ways to communicate with American people or customs to say something modal to a topic. In addition, the abilities listening they are one of the alternatives for your support one of the methods they are. You can watch TV programs in your free time every day, or you can watch a movie in the movie theater. Next, you could listen to different kinds of music on the radio. At this point elements for good writing can be into the classroom. For example, make the homework or write a song, a love history. They can be good alternatives for your learning of the English language as practice in America.
Second, the American Culture has a many reasons for a better development and strategy to learning the language into America. Eventually global English will be popular around the world; there are little changes in idioms and accent by country as soon as habits, sports and activities between other countries. Holidays in America can show you a better perspective of the language. These, include Independence Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving and soon. These habits show you feelings and sensations and American traditions. Last, American relationships offers a interchange of ideas and tools for building a better life.
Third, there are opportunities to have relationships with people from other countries around the world. By the time all kind of trade they begin more connection between if another one. Then we need to put attention the global needs. While the time passes, the English language is becoming more necessary for us. At this point is important say than the opportunities is it anywhere you go in America, furthermore to find an entertainment and publics places such as for example. Conducts English language, business, friendships, sports, etc. A lot of opportunities to this language and become fluent.
In conclusion, the benefits to study English in America is to obtain different kinds of abilities, speaking, reading, and writing and the most important for this language are the sports, entertainment, finances, interchanges and cultures style. More than ever before the English language is now the most widely used and studied language around the world. As a result students all nationalities should come to America to study English student car obtain a better kind of life and advantages for obtain the best academic level in the American language program.

Journal Entry # 15

Write about your plans for the rest of the summer.

My plans for the rest of the summer will be come back to Guadalajara, Mexico. First, I go away to marry with Perla my women. Second, I gonig to back at my office to work because only in summer was my free time. I going to return with my tecos team in the University and make a plans with my group of cheers in Mexico. I have a lot things to do in mu country because I'am a man very occupied. My family is the most important for me as a result I going to stay with them all the time when I has free time. Finally they are few my plans since I must return to my daily life but in future I will have many things to do.
By Omar

Journal Entry # 14

Write about your experience at the Angel game.
This experience was incredible for me, because was my first time in a beisball stadium. I felt very well, the stadium was bigger and beautiful, the Angels team was the best they won 13 to 4 Detroit Tigers was very easy for Angels to obtein the favor score. The best thing was my teacher Mr. Simpson, Ms. Snavely and my classmates we were together. we took pictures around the stadium and enjoy everything. I felt very well when all the people sing a song in the half at game was fantastic this experience for me!!!. It will never forget this game.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Journal Entry # 13

We are going to watch a movie on Thursday. After we watch the movie, write a summary desribing the main idea and some of the important details.
In this movie show all the members of the family Portokalos are worried by Toula. At her thirty years she is still a spinster, Gus and Maria is employed at the Dancing Zor-ba's, the Greek restaurant of her parents, and smells to bread of garlic. Her days are monotonous and boring, like her hair, her clothes and her attitude. She listens silently to the complaints of her relatives on her sad situation. Her father it tries to send to Greece when husband finds, but she rejects the offer. It she is as if it she did not want to marry. Her family does crossings to itself only of thinking it. But she is that Toula wants something more, something for yes same. And when already she was starting thinking that ojalá was more brave or more prettier, her eyes settle on a stranger, a high and smart man who appears in the restaurant. The gallant known scarcely repairs in her. Toula is ready to change. Finally she get married with her boyfriend and they were happy.

Journal Entry # 12

Today we talked about the three kinds of love (agape, phileo, eros). Write a paragraph explaining how these three kinds of love are diferent. What kind of relationship has which kind of love?
Today I going to talk about the three kinds of love (agape, phileo, and eros). First, agape means when you has love to God. Second, phileo is a relationship with a friend. Third eros means a love corporal. Agape love is important for many people because is a one way to be safe myself with God. Phileo love, is the most interesting because is when you can to have a good experience with your friends whatever you doing with them. Eros is corporal love, one example is when you care your body and you have a good health. Finally I think so, the three kind of love are important to practice in our life’s.

Journal Entry # 11

What dreams do you have? These may be funny or silly. They may be serious or even impossible. Make a list of 10 things you would like to accomplish (see, do, eat, climb, run, have, etc.) before you die.

1. I wish to have a big family.

2. I wish to get a professional carrer.

3. I wish to see my little son grow up.

4. I wish to finish the English program with a good level.

5. I want to be a good person all the time (be happy).

6. I want to be in a soccer game in Europe.

7. I want to be a good father.

8. I would like to visit Rome city.

9. I would like to speak English perfectly.

10. I would like to get married with Perla.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Journal Entry # 10


Corona del mar beach is a wonderful place for many reasons. First of all, I have a lot of reasons why I enjoyed of trip. especially my new friends group than I did. For example when I arrived to the beach, I felt good because I never been in a beatiful beach like this and very confortable. The sun was a little hot but I don´t care because I enjoyed everything I did, played a lot of sports like soccer, voleyball, (freezbe) a new game for me and to spoke with my parners, teachers and ALP Staff so, the ecxelent food and great snacks offers. Finally the beach party was a wonderful idea for us. A sa result you can to obtain a fraternal relationship with the persons from ALP.